This blog was created to discuss about the 2 most famous French sparkling waters that exist: Badoit and Perrier. Hope you enjoy......!

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Quick Overview at the Market

When you arrive at the restaurant, the waiter always asks the same question "Would you rather have still or sparkling water ?" French or Italian ? Bottled or jared ? With or without ice ? If you think these are too many questions, well, you haven't seen anything yet because there are so many sparkling waters on the market ! 

In France, there are about 110 brands of waters, whether it’s still, sparkling of flavored waters. The water industry is concentrated into the hands of 3 big groups:

  • Nestlé (Contrex, Perrier, Vittel) 
  • Danone (Evian, Volvic, Badoit)
  • Alma (Cristaline, St-Yorre, Vichy Célestins)

The 3 of them account for almost 70 % of the national production in volumes, and about 80% in terms of money value. French consumers still have a preference for still water although sparkling water consumption has exploded over the past years. In 2011, natural still water represented almost 84% of the market share in terms of volume and 50,5% in terms of sales value for grocery stores and supermarkets, according to resellers.

According to a Secodip survey in 2006, 61% of French people buy at least 1 bottle of sparkling water per year.